Sunday, November 4, 2007

Tips and Tricks: How to retrieve your WarRock screenies

Here is the step by step on how to retrieve your WarRock screenies.

Step 1. press the [PrntScn SysRq] key, should be near the top right of your keyboard .. That key takes the screenshot. It's your screenie camera.

Step 2. After taking the screenshots you want to take. Go to [My Computer].

Step 3. Click on the [Search] icon, it should be near the top of your screen, near your standard icons.

Step 4. After clicking on the [Search] icon, a sidebar to your left should appear. (sometimes with a avatar) Click the [All files and folders]. Which is on your search sidebar.

Step 5. Now with the [All files and folders] sidebar pulled up. Set your [look in] box to [My Computer]. And type "warrock" in the [All or part of a file name] box.

Step 6. Click [search] or press the [enter] key, to start the searching process.

Step 7. Once the search results appear. Click on the folder titled. [Warrock] then set view to thumbnail, (for easier viewing of your screenies). Then sort through them and enjoy.

Trouble Shooting.

Usually There are 2 WarRock folders, so if none, or not all of your screenies are in one of them, give your computer some time to find both folders. Then check out the 2nd [WarRock] folder. And it should be in there.

- Joshwhat

"I'm the unprofessional professional "

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