Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Random and Useless Info: A way to make rolling more fun!

Yo sup all! useless

You know the traditional way of rolling? You simultaneously press:
[whatever direction you want to roll]l + [Shift].

Well, I found another way to roll. That gives you the exact same result, same energy cost etc.. But it looks cooler. So instead of simultaneously pressing;
[whatever direction you want to roll] + [Shift].

You simultaneously press; [whatever direction you want to roll] + [Shift] + [Spacebar].

Example below:
For example I want to roll backwards, so I simultaneously press [S]+[Shift]+[Spacebar].
Which results in a cool/different roll.
(By the way, my favorite direction to roll in with this trick is Backwards ( S+Shift+Spacebar). Because it causes your soldier to look like he's/she's holding an invisible gun.)

Good luck rolling, and tell me how you like it!

- Joshwhat
I'm the unprofessional professional."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nitti247. I rolled prone sideways, but I don`t know how I did it. Any idea?