Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tips and Tricks: How to report a hacker

I have noticed, that recently there have been alot and I mean alot, of glitchers and especially hackers around. So, here is a step by step on how to report a hacker or glitcher.

Step 1. Go to

Step 2. Log into your account.

Step 3. Once logged in, click [Support]. It should be on the left side.

Step 4. Click on [Submit a Ticket] which will be below the [Support] Icon.

Step 5. Click [Submit a Ticket].

Step 6. And again click [Submit a Ticket]

Step 7. Fill in the form.

Step 8. Click Finish, or preview if you'd like to double check your work.

Step 9. Write down your Ticket number if you'd like to track what happens.

You should recieve an email from WarRock support, and if they need more infomation they may ask you some questions. (They typically don't ask for more info)

  • When you type out your "Description" try to keep it short and to the point. Avoid ranting about the person you are reporting.
  • WarRock tend not to ban people unless they have solid evidence that the person really did hack or glitch. Therefore, attaching a screenshot of the glitcher or hacker using the glitch or hack is very important.

Related Blog Entries:
Tips and Tricks: How to retrieve your WarRock screenies

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Back from vacation!

Hey all,

I'm back from my "blogging break"! Therefore, the Teh Geekopedia WarRock Blog will again be updated daily, with new, WarRock; tips, tricks, news etc...

Thanks for reading,

- Joshwhat
"I'm the unprofessional professional."

Monday, November 19, 2007

Taking a vacation!

Hey all,

I'm just here to tell ya that I'm taking a little vacation from blogging for Teh Geekopedia's WarRock Blog... Don't worry I'll be back soon, just a little busy for a next few days! :)

Happy killing!

- Joshwhat
"I'm the unprofessional professional."

Friday, November 16, 2007

Standard Prices for Retail/Promo Codes

L8a1 - 1 week promo code should be priced at $3-$8

Barret 1 week promo code should be priced at $3-$8

M60 Retail Code - $30-40$ The common price is $35.

AWM Retail Code - $40 - $50

Mini Gun Retail Code - $25-$35

G36c Retail Code - $20 - $30 I do not suggest to buy this retail. Because you won't get Medic Kit 2 for your medic.

M249 Retail Code - $40 - $60 Very rare.

Famas Retail Code - $50 - $110 Extremly rare, it has been said that only 8 were ever produced.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Hey all,

Is it just me, or has WarRock's lag been higher lately? For example; does your mouse not always move when you move it?

- Joshwhat
"I'm the unprofessional professional."

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

K2-Nemico is a CQC hater?

A few days ago during the WR Olympics... , I witnessed some CQC clan bashing which is very common. But the difference this time was, it was K2-Nemico that was doing it in his announcement.. If it was serious or joking, I do not know, but here's what he said..

"If you want to join a good clan.... Do NOT join CQC."

For TGWB News, I'm Joshwhat, and thank you for reading.... *Plays news music*

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Jammed my thumb...

Arrgh hey all!

Last night, I jammed my thumb trying to turn off our central vacuum. It really hurt, I had to take an Advil :( Therefore, there will be no real blog entry today. But tomorrow I'll be back in full force, blog entries and all!! Rawr.. lol

Have a good one,

- Joshwhat
"I'm the unprofessional professional."

P.S. Hey please take the poll I added today.

Monday, November 12, 2007

We want your feedback

Hey all,

Today I'm taking a survey on how we (Teh Geekopedia) are doing.

I want to know what is your favorite thing about Teh Geekopedia's WarRock Blog... Is it the:
Tips and Tricks
Random and Useless info
Weapon Stats and Commentary
Camping Spots
WarRock News
Or all of the above. :p
Please let us know by commenting what you think on this blog entry!
Also, if you have new ideas for Teh Geekopedia's WarRock Blog, please let us know in your comment!

Thanks all have a good one!

- Joshwhat
"I'm the unprofessional professional."

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Joshwhat has a Myspace!

Hey sup all,

Just to let you all know, I have created a Myspace for myself!
The layout isn't very good at this moment, but I'll remodel it soon.

The url is:

Add me! Comment me! Or just do something!!!! lol

Have a good one,

- Joshwhat
"I'm the unprofessional professional."

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Items that when used reward you with assists

Assists give you points, and more the points you have, the more dinar and experience you gain.

30 assist is the max amount of points you can get from one type of assist. For example I can only get 30 assists off of Flash Mines. If I want more assists I'll need to use a different item.

Here listed below is; what gives you assists.

All assist items that give you 2 assist points per use.
Ammo Boxes
Medic Boxes
Medic Kit 1
Medic Kit 2

Assist items that give you 10 assist points per use.
Flash Mines
M14 Mines

By the way, it is rumored that disarming bombs give you 10-100 extra points. I haven't checked it myself yet, but I will soon.

Go get those assists!

"I'm the unprofessional professional."

Friday, November 9, 2007

I'm busy doing Myspace....

Hey sup all!

Today, I don't have time to post a Teh Geekopedia's WarRock Blog entry.. Because, I'm creating a Myspace for myself and Teh Geekopedia. :)

Aight have a good one!

- Joshwhat

"I'm the unprofessional professional."

Thursday, November 8, 2007

How to play dead

Here is the step by step, on how to play dead...
(Disclaimer: this doesn't always fool the enemy.)

Step 1. Stand up with a weapon equipped.

Step 2: Go prone with your weapon equipped.

Step 3:
(Derbaran) equip your C4 charge and look down, into the ground.
(NIU) equip your Nippers and look down, into the ground.

Step 4: Turn up your speakers and wait till you hear enemy foot steps pass you.

Step 5: Equip your weapon and fire at them.

"I'm the unprofessional professional."

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Random and Useless Info: A way to make rolling more fun!

Yo sup all! useless

You know the traditional way of rolling? You simultaneously press:
[whatever direction you want to roll]l + [Shift].

Well, I found another way to roll. That gives you the exact same result, same energy cost etc.. But it looks cooler. So instead of simultaneously pressing;
[whatever direction you want to roll] + [Shift].

You simultaneously press; [whatever direction you want to roll] + [Shift] + [Spacebar].

Example below:
For example I want to roll backwards, so I simultaneously press [S]+[Shift]+[Spacebar].
Which results in a cool/different roll.
(By the way, my favorite direction to roll in with this trick is Backwards ( S+Shift+Spacebar). Because it causes your soldier to look like he's/she's holding an invisible gun.)

Good luck rolling, and tell me how you like it!

- Joshwhat
I'm the unprofessional professional."

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

How to play with graphic lag

Graphic lag extremly slows down your gun's rate of fire. Here below, I will show you how to still be an effective and deadly player, with graphic lag.

Best class for graphic lag: sniper is probably the class for you. You need guns that deal high damage per shot, rather than guns that spray vollys of bullets and deal less damage per shot. Because graphic lag will cause the volly of bullets, to turn into 2-3 bullets. Therefore, you will only inflict 2-6 bars of damage. Also, snipers are one of 2 classes that have granades, which are great for graphic laggers. Because they are also 1 nade 1 kill. And with graphic lag you can sometimes get a double nade throw.

Good weapons for graphic laggers:
m60 is probably the best automatic weapon for graphic lag. Deals a high amount of damage per shot and very accurate, exactly what you need in a gun when you have graphic lag.

PSG or AWM is perfect. As I said earlier, sniper rifles are perfect for graphic laggers, deal extremely high damage and very accurate. These should be your primary weapons.

Deagle is the best sidearm for graphic laggers. Because the Deagle is the highest damage dealing sidearm.

Shotty is very good for graphic laggers, 1 shot 1 kill up close.

ak47 great for low levels, because it deals high damage.

RPG is perfect for graphic laggers, 1 shot 1 kill.

Nades are perfect for graphic laggers, 1 nade 1 kill. And with graphic lag you can sometimes get a double throw.


Velruf: Is probabably the best map for graphic laggers, especially with 8 player max, but doesn't lag too bad with 16 player max either.

Kahli: Very low lag with a 8 player max, but with 16 player max it lags bad.

Generals rules to play by with graphic lag

Try to avoid automatic weapons, and go with slow firing but high damage weapons. Because the graphic lag will cause the auto weapon to be slow firing anyway.

Play in rooms with 8 max players if possible, it will greatly reduce your lag.

Turn down your graphic quality. Your computer's and WarRock's. This also will greatly reduce your lag.

- Joshwhat
"I'm the unprofessional professional."

Monday, November 5, 2007

Attention PSG users

To all you PSG users, prepare for the PSG to get it's bug fixed up soon. GMs have said it will be fixed soon.
So my advice to you is, to buy the AWM and practice with it. Otherwise, after the PSG bug gets fixed, you'll be crying yourself to sleep because the PSG will be worse than the SSG. The PSG will be pitiful, and you will be forced to either; play as pitiful as the PSG, or learn the AWM. I say learn the AWM.

- Joshwhat
"I'm the unprofessional professional."

Sunday, November 4, 2007

WarRock injustice... by toofoxy

Hey all it's toofoxy today, it's usually Joshwhat that writes the blog entries here but, I have something pressing on my mind. Therefore, I'm the one blogging today. This is my first blog entry so please bere with me.

Today I'm going to about how disappointed I am in the WarRock staff/admins.

Yesterday one our Teh Geekopedia - WarRock Blog readers, had his high level account with retail premium banned for an unknown reason or supposedly "copying some one's name". I never knew using a similar user name as someone else was violating WarRock rules... I mean you see it all the time, for example..
Person #1 uses the user name : "fighter"
Person #2 uses the user name : "fighter7"

I know that WarRock reserves the right to ban anyone at anytime for any reason. But I really don't think this is needed or reasonable. He didn't do anything against WarRock, in fact, he was hyper cautious to never break the rules. He never; glitched, hacked, harassed or flamed etc.. He also bought retail premium for his account which profits WarRock. And after all that, WarRock bans him. Yes you heard it, they ban him!!! This is flat out injustice.
Here is another reason why this is so wrong: WarRock doesn't ban or consistently ban the glitchers, hackers, harassers and flamers. And when they actually do ban, it's a long dragged out process which usually requires a screenie, multiple reports or whatever. This just isn't fair, considerate or right.

My request to WarRock is; to get some responsible admins that won't, ban the good inocent people on the fly while not banning the actual guilty people who glitch, hack, harass and flame.

WarRock please get some consistency, fairness and justice.


..::toofoxy::.. who is upset at the WarRock admins.. O,..,o

Tips and Tricks: How to retrieve your WarRock screenies

Here is the step by step on how to retrieve your WarRock screenies.

Step 1. press the [PrntScn SysRq] key, should be near the top right of your keyboard .. That key takes the screenshot. It's your screenie camera.

Step 2. After taking the screenshots you want to take. Go to [My Computer].

Step 3. Click on the [Search] icon, it should be near the top of your screen, near your standard icons.

Step 4. After clicking on the [Search] icon, a sidebar to your left should appear. (sometimes with a avatar) Click the [All files and folders]. Which is on your search sidebar.

Step 5. Now with the [All files and folders] sidebar pulled up. Set your [look in] box to [My Computer]. And type "warrock" in the [All or part of a file name] box.

Step 6. Click [search] or press the [enter] key, to start the searching process.

Step 7. Once the search results appear. Click on the folder titled. [Warrock] then set view to thumbnail, (for easier viewing of your screenies). Then sort through them and enjoy.

Trouble Shooting.

Usually There are 2 WarRock folders, so if none, or not all of your screenies are in one of them, give your computer some time to find both folders. Then check out the 2nd [WarRock] folder. And it should be in there.

- Joshwhat

"I'm the unprofessional professional "

Friday, November 2, 2007

Which stores carry which retail.

Target: AWM Sniper Rifle

Best Buy: m60 machine gun

Future Shop: m249

GameStop: Mini Gun

Walmart: g36c_D

Famas retails are super super super rare to find, no particular store carries it. (It has been said that only 6 Famas retails were made.)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Warrock News: The clan Viet cong [VC] is closing down

It has been said by Vietcong07 that clan VC will be closing down soon. Due to
"no money to pay [for clan rent]."

If you haven't heard of them.. VC is a big clan, with some good players. Well known with mainly Velruf players because they mainly play Velruf.

Fun fact, Homie and I were in clan VC for a time.

- Joshwhat